Around three,
my daughter went to her room to get ready for the Halloween. She was excited and
calm at the same time, knowing it will be a fun Halloween trick or treating
neighborhood. She chose this fairy looking costume, all fairies look alike
anyway, attached a button switch to turn on blinking lights to brighten up the night and it changes color as well. It was beautiful and
perfect for her. Guess what, the costume was an old one, maybe a year or two
ago. I can't even remember. Just lucky that she still fits in that costume,
thou it was a little tight and had to squeeze herself in. As it is a light blue
color, a sparkly purple leggings match it up, knowing the cold fall season can break
through into her tender skin during the night. She did it all by herself. What
a proud mom I was on Halloween night!.
This will be the first time my daughter will go trick or treating with a friend and that makes it more exciting, I guess. She was quiet but blend in with the other girls just fine. It was a little awkward since she will be the only one who doesn't live in this neighborhood, going with kids who live here. She met one or two from previous acquaintances through her friend's birthday party but the rest are strangers to her. Off they went, all eight of them and it was a blast. It did not matter where she lives. They were like they came from the same neighborhood with one same goal - to collect candies. From one corner to the next block, they swept all the candies from the homeowners' hands, check out the neat Halloween decorations in some houses, showing disappointed faces from houses with lights but nobody is home to open the door for candies. They run as if they want to make sure there is enough candies for them. They knocked on doors, alerting people to open their door. One house in particular prepared them to be cautious when the sound of a chainsaw machine blast on a backyard to scare the bad spirits away ( am not sure if that is their purpose) but it did scare some of the kids. Their eyes look in awe at the decorations and admire the creativity of the homeowner's artistic side. After an hour of going from house to house, something's shifting into the Halloween mood on that Haloween night. One by one, they admit defeat of walking tirelessly when the sack of candies start to feel weighty, legs feeling weak, they just want to go home and rest. On the very last house they knocked, who apologize for running out of candies and end up with apples instead! These kids are persistent!
We went inside
her friend's house, drop all candies on the floor to pick and throw. Well, we
didn't really throw the candies away but will be using it for giveaways to
share with other kids someday. It was fun to see them share their favorite candies, kind of knowing who likes what and giving the candies to the right person. The chocolate ones disappeared the most in each basket. The cheap candies and not so famous ones end up in a big bag to share with others. It was peaceful and no whining at all, as if they know what to do to make this halloween night less scary and brighter.
As we were walking to the car, her dress light up! She totally forgot about the blinking lights on her dress until it reminded her by making it happen without any help from her. So unforgettable! Her dress blinking madly all the way home.
As we were walking to the car, her dress light up! She totally forgot about the blinking lights on her dress until it reminded her by making it happen without any help from her. So unforgettable! Her dress blinking madly all the way home.
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