Monday, August 29, 2011

Funny Church Signs

You may party in hell but you will be the Barbeque - Our Savior's Church Sign

Everyday above ground is a good one - Church of God of Prophecy Sign

What is missing from ch__ch, U R - River Falls Baptist Church Sign

How do we make holy water? We boil the hell out of it - The First Church of Awesome Works Sign

To be almost saved is to be totally lost - Anonymous Sign

Whoever is praying for SNOW, please stop! (snows everywhere) - South End Baptist Church Sign

Church parking - Trespassers will be baptized - Christian Fellowship Church Sign

Read the bible, it's user friendly plus we offer tech support here every Sunday at 10 - Anonymous

Honk if you love Jesus. Text while driving if you want to meet Him. -Stonebridge Chuch of God Sign

There are some questions that can't be answered by Google - Claude Presbyterian Church Sign

Keep using my name in vain, I will make rush hour longer - First Reformed Church of Bethlehem Sign

Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake and the snake didn't have a leg to stand on - Anonymous

The Help

Family Canteen

 The fruit of SILENCE is Prayer The fruit of PRAYER is Faith The fruit of FAITH is Love The fruit of LOVE is Service The fruit of SERVICE is Peace