6 Reasons to Find Time to Play With Your Kids

1. To make memories
There is no excuse a mother can give to be unable to find the time to play with her kids. You will unknowingly form wonderful memories with your kids when you are helping them ride the see-saw, playing Lego with them or swinging them in the hammock. If you don’t play with your kids when they are young, you will miss out on some of the best parts of their childhood which you will regret later. This is the foremost reason why you should make time to play with your kids.
2. To know about their skills, aptitude and interests
There is an ulterior reason of spending more time playing with your kids. When you see your kids playing in front of your eyes, you can make a lot of observations about them. You will able to make mental notes about which games they like the most, how intensely they like their recreational hours and whether they like being indoors or outdoors. Many of the likes and dislikes that kids display when they play games or a sport get reflected and carried forward in their adult lives too.
3. To form a deeper bond with them
It is important spend time helping your kids with their homework and reading them bedtime stories, but it is equally important to spend time playing with them. This is because kids love playing and they will feel happy about the fact that you are spending your time having fun with them too. Don’t let your kids feel that parents are only meant to be strict and firm. Show them your fun side so that you both can form a deeper bond with each other.
4. To spot any inconsistencies in their behavior
Many child psychology experts believe that it is important for parents to spend time playing with their kids because it can give them a closer look at their kids’ behavior. A child is likely to display his or her natural behavior while playing which makes it the perfect time to spot any inconsistencies. For example, many parents are known to have spotted the first signs of impaired speech, autism and dyslexia in their kids when they were playing or indulging in other recreational activities.
5. To satisfy your kids
How many times has your child tugged your armed and coaxed you to come and play? How many times have your kids started crying because you refused to play with them? This is a clear indication that your kids yearn for your company but they don’t say it out loud. Your children will experience immense joy if you spend an entire evening in the weekend or an hour everyday to play with them.
6. To find a fun way of teaching your kids
It is not necessary to teach your kids values and morals of life only by making them sit next to you and giving them a boring lecture. You can do so while playing with them so that they don’t look it as burdensome. This way, you will be able to drive home many things subtly as compared to drilling it in them forcefully.
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