Showing posts with label Internet Access. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet Access. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

What Would You Do?

A friend shared about her sticky situation. One day, her neighbor who lives next door came knocking on her door. This neighbor is clearly someone who lives in the same block, someone you see in plain sight once in a while, yet hardly exchange hellos. She doesn't even know her name since she hardly had contact with this neighbor. The neighbor came over to ask a favor. Being a modest person, my friend entertains the neighbor with a smile on her face not knowing what is coming...

After all the pleasantries -
Ms. Rosie, would you be kind enough to share me your wifi password so I may be able to have internet access? We do not have internet access at home and I know you have. Please???

Rosie, who tried to maintain her composure, said in a diplomatic way to avoid hurting a neighbor's feelings, to steer clear of conflict took a while to respond " Mmm, I really don't know the password. My kids did the password thing and they are not home."

The neighbor, with a disappointed face replied "I see. I better leave my cell phone number so your kids can text me when they get home. Is that okay with you, Miss Rosie?"

I almost panicked, not knowing what to do but said "Okay.", my friend blankly said.

After the neighbor left, Rosie came to her senses and realized that her trick did not work. For trying to be modest, she put herself in this awkward situation. She tried to be subtle, indirect refusal, yet the neighbor did not get it.

Let me ask you. If someone asks for your WiFi password what would you do?

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