Underneath the orange tree
It was so still and quiet as my senses alerted to what is in front of me. My eyes focused on a spot, a rhythmic movement, up and down, like heavy breathing and wonder what is going on. The sun shining through the orange tree leaves made it somewhat normal, nothing unusual to the surroundings as I see it everyday walking the same path before entering the house. When my eye caught something, camouflage with the grass and dirt underneath the orange tree, a raccoon lying down as if sleeping.
That is what I thought at first, a raccoon taking a break from whatever reason. This is the first time in my whole life, so close to this creature and it was exciting at the same time fear came to my mind. What if it sensed my presence and attack me? I have not much knowledge with raccoons as I am a city person.
Quietly, I took a few steps to check if the raccoon was sleeping. It sure does look like sleeping, eyes closed but the heavy breathing was somewhat unusual. I may sleep and breath heavily but never really see myself doing that because I was asleep. Just a funny thought to make myself relaxed.
Raccoon In action
Then it moved its head around as if she sensed me, opened her mouth and showed teeth like an inch length and half inch thick on the top part attached to the gums. Those were big teeth! Her eyes were soft and droopy, design with a black fur around the eyes which contrasts sharply with the surrounding white face coloring. While staring at the raccoon, it seems like raccoons wear a bandit's mask, making the animal gain a reputation of mischievous one. The slightly rounded ears are also bordered by white fur. It has short legs compared to their torso and it's bushy tail with rings around, the alternate shades of black and gray line for camouflage purposes maybe. That was the reason why it was hard to spot the raccoon right away as I walk in, my reasoning in my mind...
I must have disturbed the rest time of this raccoon, it stood up and steady itself before taking a step, wobbly and limping. As it stood, it has the height of a cat, even a bit taller than a cat. The middle part which is the stomach seems to be less bulgy but the claws were far more bigger and stronger than a cat's claw. It started walking away from me, not looking back, just keep going looking for a new place to hide and maybe die. The raccoon must have been hurting and starved for days by the look of it. I wonder if it came by the orange tree a few days ago and just never noticed it was there.
The raccoon that came by the orange tree, I never saw again. It must have went somewhere the bamboo trees to hide, away from me. It chose to wait, alone and hold on till it is time to go.
I decided to ask my friends about raccoons and gathered some ideas about this cute furry animals that came by one day and here is what I have come up with.
Raccoons as food, pet and fur
Raccoons maybe a pest to some but is edible for eating. There are a few recipes that calls for raccoon but barbecuing might be the best way to eat it. Barbecue is always a good way to try something different. Although, I have never tried a raccoon myself.
Some even want a raccoon as exotic pets. Raccoons are cute, furry and endearing. But raccoons have rabies that is a lethal disease caused by an agent infecting nerve cells, carried in the saliva and transmitted by bites. This is something to consider when planning to domesticate a raccoon as exotic pets.
The fur of raccoons is used for clothing, coats and caps especially during winter season when it is extremely cold. The tail is also use as an ornament and they can be expensive. Just think about how many raccoons killed for one coat?
Stinky Smell lingering around
A few days later, everybody in the house complains of a stinky smell, like something following each one of us and no way to escape from it. It was so strong by the front porch, where I last saw the raccoon. It is time to sleuth for the reason of such stinky smell. There, the raccoon lay just a few steps from the front porch, hidden under the bushy bamboo, covered with white chunky looking worm, squirming busily. There was nothing left on the raccoon's bony leg. His suffering ends...