You may party in hell but you will be the Barbeque - Our Savior's Church Sign
Everyday above ground is a good one - Church of God of Prophecy Sign
What is missing from ch__ch, U R - River Falls Baptist Church Sign
How do we make holy water? We boil the hell out of it - The First Church of Awesome Works Sign
To be almost saved is to be totally lost - Anonymous Sign
Whoever is praying for SNOW, please stop! (snows everywhere) - South End Baptist Church Sign
Church parking - Trespassers will be baptized - Christian Fellowship Church Sign
Read the bible, it's user friendly plus we offer tech support here every Sunday at 10 - Anonymous
Honk if you love Jesus. Text while driving if you want to meet Him. -Stonebridge Chuch of God Sign
There are some questions that can't be answered by Google - Claude Presbyterian Church Sign
Keep using my name in vain, I will make rush hour longer - First Reformed Church of Bethlehem Sign
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake and the snake didn't have a leg to stand on - Anonymous
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